Reach out to Adam Rubin at
to inquire about any of the following services:
1 on 1 Psychedelic Peer Counseling and Integration Support
Education and Training
Event Care Services
1 on 1 Psychedelic Peer Counseling and Integration Support
It's Okay offers peer counseling and integration:
Pre-journey preparation, intention setting, and safety consultation.
Post-journey integration support. ​
Can be done on zoom or in-person (Adam is currently located in Jerusalem, Israel).

Education and Training
It's Okay offers education and training in a number of topics related to psychedelic harm reduction:
Psychedelic Harm Reduction 101
Cultivating Sitter Skills
How to Run a Psychedelic Care Team at Events
Reach out if you and your community are looking for a specific training or workshop.
Event Care Services
It's Okay offers Event Psychedelic Care Services:
On-call Trip Sitter
Peer Support Team
Sanctuary Tent
Care services can be adapted for your event's needs.

It's Okay offers Event Psychedelic Care Consultation:
Safety Considerations and Best Practices
How to Create a Festival Safety Team
Various Care Models Unique to Your Event and Community
We will work with you to create the ideal care for your community.